……and thats a wrap. The 2023 glitter list of 171.
Get yourself a coffee - warm up the printer. Grab a highlighter, print this off and settle in….maybe theres something here for you too.
EDIT UPDATE: Currently updating, amalgamating and streamlining these all into 100 bucket Glitterlist points. I woke up early and reread it to my Irish friend and realised I can blend a few together….hahaha. Already constantly tweaking it….
This week, I stumbled upon a fascinating Ted talk by Daniel Kahneman, (its heavy-ish but its very good) Hès an inventor of ‘Behaviour Economist’ where he talks about the difference between two types of happiness: experiential happiness in the moment and the overall quality of our life as we remember it.
(but if your here and you just really want the Glitter list - skip down to the bottom)
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
Alice in Wonderland
My 2023 25 Year Glitterlist.
Note* Read this with the idea that these are all to be accomplished over 25 years - some will incur actually having money to do them (so that’s like impossible right now) but thankfully for me, small steps working towards, planning, dreaming and researching doesn’t cost anything. And library membership is totally free.
Organize a gathering of random friends for dinner at each change of the new season. Have new friends meet old ones and introduce them to each other.
Start a year of family traditions… refine, repeat, and then honor these in practice. Use cake, treasure hunts, special dinners, activities, and walks to create and cherish these memories.
Always choose the 'elegant solution' to everything. Slow down & spend time learning and following through on what that is. Pause before commencing things.
Create a yearly body of art collection & throw a fabulous exhibition opening.
Do the 60 great walks of Tasmania. Map each one. Print those maps.
Learn to surf well enough to go to beaches and just surf with Sarah. Have beach fires with toasties and hot coffee to reward myself.
Buy a tiny boat & learn to sail. Spend summers fishing & messing around on it.
Make an heirloom book of recipes to pass on favorite meals, preserves, and household skills. Add & refine these every year.
Have wonderful relationships with my neighbours. Invite them over and think about wht they may need on my travels around. Create a movement of this.
Create a year-on-year preserving pantry. For us and to gift. Collect jars and preserving skills to develop this.Learn the art of preparing & preserving all kinds of food.
Visit & map all the little places I find fun that others would like to do - highlight the ‘must-do’ parts that I most enjoy so others can as well.
Learn the art of stonewall building & build structures. Plan and Create outside ‘room spaces’ on the property. Make these purposeful and useable.
Marry Sarah and create lovely life memories with her and our blended family.
Master how to make all kinds of breakfasts from scratch. Become an expert.
Have enough gear to have a long table lunch/grazing platter party for 40 people. Then occassionally have an excuse to host something remotley.
Learn to take excellent video footage using my phone. Constantly tweak my filming skills to capture life beautifully as a memory to reflect on later.Film & learn to create an online course.
Have a large planned veggie garden that I eat from and make it a part of my daily life. Spend time planning this out then working on this my entire life.
Compile a family yearly journal and a calendar for family and friends. Record and print this in hardcopy. Make the kids copies.
Get my family tartan made into cloth and explain my heritage to my family.
Refresh my makeup/style/branding constantly to try new things.
Learn to play the ukulele or any instrument & practice songs &teach the kids.
Learn to throw pottery on a wheel.Make crockery &create for creativity's sake.
Learn to use my ESSE stove, just as they did 100 years ago. Make it the heart of the home and a focal point to gather.